Moving On

It is with a bit of a heavy heart that I announce that I will be leaving my studio and starting fresh at a new home. For those that have followed my story, you know the excitement and anticipation that came with the decision to leave my job, build a studio at home and devote my working life to design and printing. You know the satisfaction I felt when the building process was underway, and the overwhelming feeling of having a dream come true when I began working in my studio full time. While my life as a working artist has really only just begun, I’m saying goodbye to this studio – which housed so many of my ideas, printing triumphs and failures, and dreams about what Mink Letterpress would someday become.

But fear not. Though I don’t make it’s presence well known in social media outlets anymore, Mink Letterpress is alive and well. I’ve come out of my first year of parenthood maintaining work and a steady flow of business. Now that the fog of Asher’s infancy is beginning to lift, my next goal is to grow.

My little family and I are moving a bit outside of town, to a beautiful piece of property with much more room for babies wearing only cowboy boots to run around. I see lots of tree houses, bond fires, fruit picking and bug bites in our future. While my current studio was my work-dream, this place is my life-dream. When choosing between the two, I go life-dream pretty much every time.

I will have a studio there – a garage space beneath a living area that Alex will undoubtedly help to make beautiful and functional. I anticipate some pretty dramatic before and after pictures, given the state that it’s in now. Because the space is a little smaller, my desk with my computer, design area, drafting table, etc. will be in a precious little “potting shed” outbuilding just by the print shop. Pictured below. Alex will also have a workshop there for woodworking, pottery and man stuff. He will finally have all of his tools, his wheel and kiln, his foosball table and his velour Kenny Rogers portrait all in one place. I’m super excited for him.

So goodbye studio – you’ve served me so well and I know you will become a wonderful studio/office/apartment/tai-chi room for your next owner. Thank you for giving me something to dream about while I withered behind a desk at a law firm, somewhere to house all of my beloved printing equipment and something to model a future workspace after.  You will be missed.


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