
When couples have their first wedding anniversary, the traditional gift to give one another is one of paper. It has now been a year since Alex and I got married. He gave me a leather bound book, each page with a year-defining photo and beautiful little written summary of each year we have spent together, and he vows to continue adding to it each year.  Of course, I cried. It was so sweet and special.

I made him these portraits of our little family. I printed each color on a different layer of velum, and when I layered them together, they appeared very faint, and kind of ghostly. I wanted to maintain that feeling to some degree, but I decided cut shapes out in various spots to expose more of the colors from the layers underneath. Then I sewed them together and mounted them in these deep frames, pinned to the mat with gold eyed needles from Alex’s grandma’s sewing kit. I made them separate to leave our family room to grow, maybe someday there will be a couple more frames on the wall.

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